Although it’s introduced a couple of major releases ago, Member management is a powerful feature that some of our clients haven’t implemented yet. With Member management it’s possible to add and remove access in bulk to items in the service catalogue in a simple and fast way, without the need
Hidden gem: Bulk approval of requests
One of our biggest goals is reducing the time necessary to complete requests as much as possible. By digitalizing workflows we’ve managed to do that very well. As our clients started using the workflows, edge cases appeared. Say you are a manager of multiple departments, it should be very common

How to: Fill a Form field with the result of a REST api
In September 2018 we released a version of Provisior in which we introduced a nice new feature: The ability to bind the output of a Powershell script as the source for a (multi-value) field in our dynamic Forms (link in Dutch only). This opened a whole new world for our

Hidden gem: List current user first
The other day I was sitting with a Provisior customer to discuss some topics and he wanted to show me something. As an example he started a request for himself and needed to scroll pretty far through the employee list and I hear him say “This is a bit frustrating