All basic elements of IGA in a complete solution
Make IT departments more efficient by automating and taking tasks away from them
The IGA platform of Provisior
The innovation in self service, provisioning and automation
At Provisior, we believe that IT is indispensable in meeting commercial and social objectives. That is why the platform for Identity Governance & Automation (IGA) Fundamentals was developed. Provisior makes it possible to securely, efficiently and quickly give IT users authorized access to IT resources – wherever and whenever. Provisior is made for – and partly by – large end-user organizations and IT service providers and integrates with various ITSM, HR and deployment systems.
Are you looking for information about Identity Governance & Automation? You will find the answers to all your questions quickly and easily in the Provisior knowledge base. Read more about End User Self Service, RBAC, IAM, Provisioning, Workflows, Automation and Entitlement Management and the benefits that IGA can offer your organization.
The power of Provisor
Full insight and control over processes

Complete and flexible IGA solution
With the Identity Governance & Automation Fundamentals platform, Provisior offers all the fundamental functions of IGA. The Self Service Portal makes requesting applications, access rights and password resets available 24/7 – also via mobile devices.

€1,- per month
The price for using Provisior IGA Fundamentals is simple and transparent: organizations pay €1,- per month per IT user to use the platform.

Self Service & Automation
The Identity Governance & Automation Fundamentals platform of Provisior offers all fundamental functions in the field of IGA, including the possibility for End User Self Service, User Provisioning, Identity & Access Management, RBAC and Automation.

Integration with existing systems and processes
Provisior's flexible and scalable IGA Fundamentals platform integrates with various ITSM, HR, ITAM and deployment systems, so it always fits into existing processes.

Influence of customers on the development roadmap
The Provisior IGA Fundamentals platform was co-developed by the Provisior User Group – made up of our customers and partners. They can provide ideas for new features, connections and other points for improvement.

Continuous development on functionality and legislation
In collaboration with the Provisior User Group, the IGA Fundamentals platform is continuously being developed in order to meet the ever-changing circumstances, requirements and wishes.
A complete service catalog
The Provisior IGA platform offers a complete service catalog which works and looks like a modern webshop. A platform that allows you to take advantage of all the possibilities that Provisior has to offer.

Which case suits your organization?
These organizations chose for the Provisior IGA platform
Medical Center Leeuwarden
How does the Medical Center Leeuwarden (MCL) use the Provisior platform to comply with the legislation regarding the EHR, granting access rights to employees and requesting patient data?
What are the benefits of the Provisior IGA platform according to a.s.r. and how do they use the platform to automate workflows, the application process and license management.
Heijmans NV
Heijmans has been using Provisior for over 13 years. How is the platform deployed within Heijmans, which functionalities are most appreciated and what benefits does Provisior offer the organization?
Would you like to receive a live demo of our IGA platform?
Request a free demo
Would you like to get started right away or experience how Identity Governance & Automation with Provisior works? Schedule a demonstration or appointment without obligation. We would be happy to visit you to show you what our platform can do for your organization. Request your demo here.
Blogs en Nieuws
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De oplossing voor het probleem
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De waarde van Identity Governance & Administration wanneer de wereld weer opengaat
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Do you have any questions or problems? Feel free to contact us, we are happy to help you!
Telefoon: 088 – 001 66 48
Bezoekadres: Savannahweg 71, 3542 AW Utrecht